Lalang Galang

Tuesday 27 October 2015

SOP Hotel Housekeeping Pest Control

SOP Housekeeping Pest Control

Department: Housekeeping – Room & Public Area
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

It is the management policy that pest control is carried out on a regular basis and that the Housekeeping Department has an overall responsibility to co-ordinate between the contractors and all departments.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Hotel premises are refrained from all pests, to ensure problem areas can be identified and effective measures can be taken promptly and to ensure that the minimum disturbance is caused to the operation of the Hotel and our guest.

If any hotel staffs find pests such as cockroaches, ants, rats, spiders, flying insects etc. in any area of the Hotel they should immediately report it to the Housekeeping Department.

Housekeeping Staff will record the details in the Pest Control Log Book. The Format is as follows:
  1. Date
  2. Time
  3. Description of Pest Problem
  4. Location of Pest Found
  5. Date of Pest Treatment Appointment
  6. Job Completed on.
  7. Staff accompanied.
  8. Signature
  9. Housekeeping Manager is to review the Pest Control Log Book weekly to ensure the proper treatment is complied with.
Housekeeping floor supervisor or the Housekeeping manager should co-ordinate with the pest control contractor for monthly schedule and urgent implementation arrangement of ad-hoc pest control.

Housekeeping Manager will advise other department of the schedule and the type of treatment used for pest control, so the necessary safety measure can be taken by the concerned department Eg. Covering of food, cancelling of table settings etc.
Pest control contractor will be guided and accompanied by Housekeeping staff for security and job performance control purpose.

Types of Pest Control service:
There are three basic treatments in controlling pests:
  • Rodenticide Treatment (e.g. Laying of rat bait)
  • Insecticide Treatment (e.g. Spraying of Insecticide)
  • Flying Insects Control (e.g. Fumigation).
Areas Covered- All guest rooms, guest floor pantries, pipe duct rooms and both stair ways.
Treatment – Spray plus laying and checking of rat bait.
Frequency – Every second month during daytime.

Pubic Areas
All pubic areas, corridors, loading bay all toilets, general store, male and female changing rooms, rubbish rooms, lobby and front desk, floor terracing areas, driveway, workshop and engineering areas.
  • Treatment – Spray plus laying and checking of rat bait
  • Frequency – Monthly during overnight
  • Kitchen and Restaurants Areas
  • All F&B outlets i.e. All kitchens, staff canteen and restaurants.
  • Treatment – Spray plus laying and checking of rat bait, fumigation
  • Frequency – Monthly during overnight

Training Summary questions:
1.What is the purpose of pest control in hotels?

2.Who should you inform if you find pests like cockroaches, ants, rats etc. In hotel premises?

3.What should be the ideal frequency for pest control for public areas?

4.Who should review the pest control log book?

5.What are the types of pest control services?


SOP Hotel Housekeeping Key Control Procedures

SOP Housekeeping  Key Control Procedures

Department: Housekeeping – General
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

Housekeeping staffs should have a good knowledge about the types of keys and locks used in the hotel

Issuing floor keys to room maids:
  • Issue the floor key to room maids only after getting the signature on the key register.
  • Room maids should never give the floor key to any guest or other hotel staffs.

 Collect keys at the end of each shift:
  • When room attendants return the room key ask them to sign on the key control register.
  • Return the keys to the security department and get signature from the security staff who is taking over the keys.

 Handle grand master keys and section master keys:
  • Only people authorized to check out grand master and section master keys should handle them.
  • If un authorized staff wants to handle these keys for any special cases, then a proper approval must be taken from either Asst. Housekeeping manager or Executive Housekeeper.
  • Do a follow up with the staff who was taken these keys if the same is not returned in stipulated time. If you find anything suspicious then report the same to the managers.

Control Emergency Key:
  • Emergency key should be stored in a key locker with a breakaway seal.
  • Only in case of emergency the seal shall be broken to take the key.
  • Open the sealed envelope and take the necessary key from it.
  • Give the emergency key to the appropriate personnel.
  • Whenever the emergency key is taken the same shall be mentioned on the housekeeping log and also on the key register with the detail explanation of the incident.
  • Return the key to the emergency locker.

Handle Lost keys:
  • In case any keys are lost then inform the HK executive / supervisors immediately.
  • Record the same on the lost key register.
  • Mention the a detail note on the lost key register with Date, Room attendant’s name, reason for the loss if any, remarks.
  • After receiving approval from executive housekeeper prepare a new set of the lost key (Electronic keys) for metal keys give new requisition to maintenance.

Take regular key inventory:
  • Perform floor key inventory every one to two weeks.
  • If any keys are missing and follow the steps under ‘Handle lost keys’.

Training Summary questions:
1. Why it is importance for the housekeeping staff to have a good knowledge about types of keys and locks?

2. What is the process for issuing floor keys for room maids / room boys?    

3. How to control emergency keys?

4. Who to be reported immediately in case of a lost key?

5. What should be a ideal frequency for key inventory?

SOP Hotel Housekeeping Lost and Found procedures

SOP Housekeeping Lost and Found procedures

Department: Housekeeping – General
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

1. An item left behind by guest either in the room or in public area identified by any staff and brought under the notice of Housekeeping is termed as “Lost and Found” item.

2. There should be one dedicated location to receive lost and found items whether it is found in guestrooms, meeting rooms, public area or restaurants.

3. The lost items must be secured in a locked closet or area that has highly restricted access.

4. Employees are instructed to bring items to lost and found area, with valuables receiving immediate attention.

5. All items received to be recorded in a lost and found register.

6. All items regardless whether it is valuable, non valuable items and perishable items must be recorded on the Lost and found register.

7. Items should be put in a plastic bag noting the serial number from the register, place found, date, name of the person found the item etc.

8. Valuable items like Jewellery, mobile, wallets, laptops, ipads etc. must be stored in a locker.

9. If the Property management system has Auto trace functionality then put a trace on the guest profile stating the there is a lost item held with the housekeeping department.

10. Send Email to the guest to notify the guest about the lost item (as per the hotel policy )

11. When guest calls up the hotel to ask about the lost item, only the person who maintains the lost and found register should revert to the call.

12. Once the item is sent to the guest / collected by the guest authorized person an appropriate entry to be made on the system.

The lost and found items are classified as follows:
  • Valuable items.
  • No valuable items.
  • Perishable items.
  • Valuable items :
  • One separate Register is maintained for Valuable lost and found items and the items are kept in a safe Deposit Locker.
  • Valuable items are kept for a period of six months ( as per the hotel policy),
  • If there is no response from the guest, auction to be conducted.

Non valuable items:
  • These category items are kept for three months in safe custody after making necessary entries.
  • If there is no response from the looser till the time, these items are to be disposed off. Eg: To be distributed to the finder.

Perishable items:
  • Perishable nature lost and found items are kept for three days.
  • In case of any quarry and need to keep further is to be done accordingly.

Training Summary questions:
  1. Explain the term 'Lost and found'?
  2. What is the process for valuable objects? 
  3. Where should the valuable items kept?
  4. Why it is important to record all items on the lost and found register?
  5. What is the procedure for non valuable items?

SOP Hotel Housekeeping W/C or Toilet Cleaning

SOP Housekeeping W/C or Toilet Cleaning

Department: Housekeeping – Guest Room
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 20 Minutes

1. Put on the protective gloves and goggles.

2. Flush the W/C or toilet, If the flush is not working properly then inform the control desk to create a maintenance job order for the same.

3. Sprinkle the cleaning solution in a circular motion around and inside top of w/c bowl and leave it for 10 minutes.

4. Apply cleaning solution on the walls beside and behind the toilet and under the vanity.

5. Wipe the outside of the toilet bowl and the walls around the toilet with a damp sponge. (Use this sponge / cloth only to clean the toilet. Mark this sponge with special tag or color coding to identify the same.)

6. Wipe the pipes leading to the toilet.

7. Wipe the walls under the vanity and the drain pipe.

8. Use a toilet bowl brush to scrub the inside of the toilet bowl.

9. Clean under the rim and the seats.

10. Clean the top of the rim of w/c, in and around the hinges, bottom of w/c seat cover.

11. Flush the toilet.

12. Rinse the brush in the toilet once the cleaning is done.

13. Dry entire w/c, using clean dry cloth removing all marks.

14. Polish the walls and pipes.

15. Recheck inside w/c bowl especially under rim and ensure water is clear.

16. Close w/c seat cover.    

17. W/C should be cleaned on a daily basis.

18. Always make sure that the W/C is stain free, fresh smelling, dry and the water in the bowl is clear.

Training Summary questions:

1. Why it is important to wear protective glass and goggles while cleaning W/C ?

2. How long should the cleaning solutions to be kept on the toilet bowl?

3. What all areas to be cleaned apart from the toilet bowl?

4. How to dry the entire W/C?

5. What all to be checked once the W/C or Toilet cleaning is completed?


SOP Hotel Upholstery Cleaning And Vacuum Fabric

SOP Upholstery Cleaning and Vacuum Fabric

Department: Housekeeping – General
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 15 Minutes

Upholstery cleaning:

1. Remove loose cushions and place them on the furniture.

2. Stain to remove as per stain removal procedure.

3. Wipe spills from vinyl or leather furniture with a damp cloth.

4. Wipe the fabric with a clean, damp cloth.

5. Brush the upholstery with upholstery brush in one direction.

6. Upholstery should be dust and stain free at all given times.

Vacuum fabric surface:

1. Vacuum the fabric surface or leather surface with at most care.

2. Vacuum visible surfaces.

3. Vacuum under cushions and in cracks and crevices.

4. Be careful while vacuuming under the folds, buttons and other features that collect crumbs and dust.

5. Do not damage the buttons, folds and other delicate works on the upholstery.

Training Summary questions:

1. How to remove stains from the furniture?

2. Should the loose cushions be placed on the floor?       

3. Steps for vacuuming the cushions and fabrics?

4. What to be taken care of while vacuuming fabrics?


SOP Hotel Housekeeping Turndown service / Evening service

SOP Housekeeping Turndown service / Evening service

Department: Housekeeping – Guest Room
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

Turndown service:

1. The evening boy takes the status report of the floor from the desk.

2. Takes the floor key/card and sign for it.

3. Take a round of the floor corridor to maintain it clean and tidy. Take out trolley.

4. Vacant rooms to be serviced from 6.00 p.m. onwards.

5. By turn down service to be finished of all rooms.

6. Departure rooms have to be cleared as per requirements.

Enter the guest room:
  • Find out if the guest is in the room.
  • Announce yourself before entering the guest room.
  • In case the guest is wants you to come back later then, politely as the time for Position the maids cart in front of the guest room.

Turndown the bed:
  • Enter the room, empty dustbin and ashtrays.
  • Remove the bedcover, fold it and place in the luggage rack drawer.
  • Remove pillow from luggage rack and place it on the head of the bed.
  • Make 90 angles with the second sheet.
  • Quilt and third sheet.
  • Spread the foot mat on the side of the bed. (The side where the corner is made) and put slipper on top of foot mat.
  • Always give turndown from the telephone side or inner side of the bed.
  • For double occupancy, both corner to be made.

Place turndown amenities:
  • According to the hotel procedure place the turndown amenities on the bed. ( Eg: Flower, Chocolate etc.)
  • Place the Breakfast menu knob on the fold.
  • Put on the bedside lamp.

Tidy the guest room:
  • Look around the room and straighten or tidy anything that is out of order.
  • If a room is messy it may require more extensive cleaning.
  • Remove any room service tray, dishes and move them to the service pantry.
  • Empty the trash cans and replace the wastebasket liners.
  • Do a quick vacuum if required.

Tidy the bathroom:
  • Neatly fold used towels.
  • Wipe the vanity area if required.
  • If required replace the bathing towel.
  • Clear the dustbin if used.

Create a pleasant atmosphere:
  • Turn on the bedside lamps.
  • Close the drapes.
  • Draw the curtains so that there is no light coming from the corners or centre.
  • Set the A/C temperature to what was set by the guest.
  • Double check everything, lock the room and leave the guest room.
  • Update the status report.

Training Summary questions:

1. What should be done before taking out the trolley to the guest corridor for evening service?

2. On what angle the second sheet to be folded?    

3. From what side the turndown service to be provided?

4. What all to be checked while tidying the guest room?

5. How to create a pleasant atmosphere in the guest room?


SOP Hotel Housekeeping Trolley or Maids Cart Setting

SOP Housekeeping Trolley or Maids cart setting

Department:   Housekeeping – General
Date Issued:  
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

1. Houseman / Housemaid sets his trolley as per the standard, like bed sheets in one shelf, towels in         another, bathroom amenities in a separate drawer.

2. Maids cart can be compared as a giant tool box, It should be stocked with all the required amenities     to complete a complete shifts room cleaning.

3. The maids cart should be spacious enough to carry all the required supplies for one shifts work.

4. The cart should be light weight, easy to clean and easily maneuverable.

5. The cart has to be always well organized and well stocked before starting each shift.

6. A well stocked maids cart will avoid unnecessary trips to the floor pantry.

7. The amount of supplies loaded on to the cart depends upon the number of rooms, type of rooms to       be serviced on the assigned floor.

8. The carts are normally stocked from the floor pantry.

9. Never over stock or under stock the cart: Overstocking will increase the risk of accidents or damage to the supplies. Whereas under stocking can slow down the efficiency of cleaning because  of the regular trips to the floor pantry to collect the required items.

10. Record the items loaded on the cart on the Room assignment sheet.
Few examples of supplies loaded on the maids cart:
  1. Shampoo
  2. Moisturizer
  3. Mouthwash
  4. Foam bath
  5. Sewing kit
  6. Shower cap
  7. Shoeshine
  8. Detergent
  9. Loofah
  10. Disposal bag
  11. Toilet rolls
  12. Tissue box
  13. Soap dish
  14. Bath towel
  15. Hand towel
  16. Face towel
  17. Bathmat
  18. Bed spread
  19. Pillow covers etc.
11. The cleaning supplies are kept is a separate hand caddy, Below are few items stocked on the hand caddy.
Toilet cleaning solution
  • Bowl brush
  • Toilet brush
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Cleaning clothes
  • Rubber gloves
12. On one end of the cart there will be a bag for storing the dirty / soiled linens.

13. There will be a garbage bag in one corner of the maids cart with a lid on it.

14. Once the shift is over the maids cart / maids trolley to be moved back to the floor pantry and all the shelves to be locked.

Training Summary questions:

1. Who is responsible for setting up the maids cart / trolley?

2. What should be looked for while purchasing a maids cart / floor trolley?

3. Disadvantage of over stocking and under stocking maids cart?

4. Give few examples of guest room supplies loaded in cart?

5. What is a hand caddy?


SOP Hotel Laundry Shorting of Uniforms And Linen

SOP Hotel Laundry  Shorting of Uniforms And Linen

Department: Laundry – Sorting Linen
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 35 Minutes

Safety precautions while sorting laundry:
  1. Wear gloves as per the industry standards.
  2. Wearing gloves while sorting linen will avoid accidental cuts from any broken glasses in restaurant linens.
  3. Remove unwanted items from soiled laundry as you sort it:
  4. Check uniform pockets for pens, pencils, bottle opener, coins, crock screws etc. and remove them.
  5. Remove employee name badge and any promotional buttons.
  6. Remove food scraps, cutleries, wine cork and broken glass and china ware pieces from linens before sending it for washing.
  7. Without checking, the uniforms are not supposed to give the soiled line to Laundry.
Shorting of soiled linen according :
1 Remove stained linen:
  • Stained linen has to be given separately to the laundry for hard treatment.
  • Heavily stained/ soiled linen requires strong detergents.
  • More time required during the washing process.
  • Look for greasy / oil stained cloths.
  • Special cleaning treatment required according to the type of stains.
2 Sort linen according to their use and type, eg:
  • Pillowcases
  • Bath Towels
  • Sheets
  • Duvet sheets
  • Bed Spreads
  • Hand towels
  • Bath Robs
  • Beach towels
  • Bath Mats
  • Bath Towels
  • Face Towels
  • Shower Curtains
  • Light Colored  table cloths and napkins
  • Dark Colored  table cloths and napkins
  • White table cloths and napkins
  • Room boy / housekeeping cleaning cloths
  • Kitchen stewarding cleaning cloths
  • Chefs aprons
  • Tray linings.
3) Check all the soiled linen, which is received from different outlets for stains and tears.

4) Torn linen has to be given for mending and then for washing.

5) Sort uniforms according to department and then sort by.
  • Uniforms for dry clean
  • Uniforms for washing
6) If the facility uses out sourced laundry then count and record the items for preparing gate pass.

7) Place sorted laundry in the correct labeled / colored laundry bin for further washing / dry cleaning.

Training Summary questions:

1. Why it is advised to wear gloves while sorting cloths?

2. What all items to be sorted from soiled linens as you sort?     

3. Why stained linens are sorted separately?

4. Give few examples for sorting linen by their types and use?

5. How to sort uniforms?


SOP Hotel Housekeeping Servicing Of Guest Rooms

SOP  Housekeeping Servicing Of Guest Rooms

Department: Housekeeping – Guest Room Maintaining
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 35 Minutes

Servicing of Occupied Rooms:

1. All occupied rooms are serviced twice daily and as and when requested by the guest.

2. Enter the room according to the procedure of entry to guestrooms.

3.Clear the garbage according to the procedure of removal of garbage from dustbins.

4. ollect the soiled linen and throw in the linen bag.

5. Make the bed, follow the bed making procedure.

6. Perform dusting of the room.

7. Vacuuming of carpet and the upholstery maintenance.

8. Clean Bathroom.

9. All amenities are replenished in bathroom. (Maintain photograph for standard amenity placement)

10. After servicing the room following facilities function to be checked.
  • Television
  • All Telephones
  • All Bulbs.
  • Any in room Entertainment system.

Servicing of Vacant Room:

1. Room has to be spic and span at every given time.

2. Knock the door.

3.Switch on all lights.

4. Open heavy and sheer curtains.

5. Remove turn down service.

6. Put bed cover.

7. Do the dusting.

8. Replenish water and ice.

9. Mop bathroom flooring with disinfectant.

10. Vacuum the carpet if necessary.

11. Close sheer curtain.

12. Heavy curtain should be half closed.

13. Put of all the lights.

14. Give final looks and shut the door.

Servicing of Vacant Dirty Room:

Vacant dirty rooms cleaned thoroughly and all used items/ amenities are changed with fresh ones. Left guest items to be deposited at Housekeeping control Desk.

1. Knock and enter the room.

2. All drawers and cupboards are checked for any lost and found of guest.

3. All dustbins are cleared of garbage.

4. Soiled linen to be removed.

5. Bed is made according to procedure for bed making.

6. Dusting of room is done.

7. Vacuum upholstery and carpet.

8. All glassware and Ashtrays have to be cleaned.

9. All guest amenities in room have to be replenished.

10. Bathroom is cleaned according to procedure.

11. Replenished  amenities in the bathroom.

12. All items used by the previous guest are changed with fresh ones.

13. All maintenances are noted and given to the Engineering department.

14. Inform room status to the Housekeeping control desk.

Training Summary questions:

1. What is the difference in servicing occupied, Dirty and a vacant departure room?

2. Points while servicing a occupied room?   

3. Why should we replenish all guest amenities with a new one while servicing a ‘Vacant departure room’?

4. What all to be check after servicing the room?

5. Whom to be reported in case you find any issues with TV / Bulbs etc?


SOP Hotel Housekeeping Restock Bathroom Supplies

SOP  Housekeeping  Restock Bathroom Supplies

 Department: Housekeeping – Guest Room
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 25 Minutes

Restocking of Bathroom supplies:

1. Bathroom amenities/ supplies have to be replenished daily.

2. Check the facial tissues in the box and replace if empty.

3. Attention to each detail and make sure that the facial and toilet tissue should not be empty.

4. Remove the protection tab from the tissue box and then pull one tissue and fold in a triangular shape. This will ensure that the other tissues will come out easily when pulled.

5. At any given time a full set of standard supplies has to be available in the room.

6. Not to replenish supplies bottles till the time it is 1/4 bottle of the content.

7. Not to replenish soap till the time it is not less than half the size.

List of sample supplies used in bathroom:
  • Shampoo
  • Foam bath
  • Moisturizer
  • Shoe shine
  • Detergent
  • Disposable bag
  • Mouthwash
  • Tissue Box
  • Sewing kit
  • Shower cap
  • Comb
  • Amenities tray
  • Soap etc.

Replacement of toilet paper in Dispenser:

1. Check if there are any rolls that need replacing.

2. Remove the empty rolls and put in the dustbin.

3. Replace the toilet tissue roll when there is less than one third left.

4. Replace them with the new ones.

5. Install the roll so that the paper feeds over the top away from the wall.

6. Fold the ends of the rolls neatly in triangle shape.

7. The toilet roll dispensers have to be one complete roll or half at all times.

Training Summary questions:

1. What is the frequency of replenishing / restocking bathroom supplies?

2. How to place the tissue box?

3. Give few examples of supplies used in hotel bathroom?

4. When should the toilet roll replaced?

5. What is the proper way to install the toilet roll?


Sunday 25 October 2015

SOP Hotel HK Taking Messages And Handling Complaints

SOP Housekeeping Taking Messages And Handling Complaints

Department: Housekeeping – Control Desk
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 20 Minutes

Taking messages in HK control Desk:
While taking a message the following procedure has to be followed:-
  • Name of the person for whom the message is intended.
  • Name of the person leaving the message.
  • The contact number of the person leaving the messages.
  • Date, Time, and Initials.
  • Details of the Guest request / Messages.
  • Request forwarded to Staff.
  • Status of the request.
Repeat and confirm the message / request with the guest/caller.

Pass on the message immediately to the concerned person or department.

When taking a message, staff member has to ensure to collect accurate and adequate information and pass it on to the appropriate person.

Follow up with the concerned person and take update on the task until it is completed.

Handling complaints:
  1. Do not argue with the guest.
  2. The guest is always right.
  3. Listen attentively to the guest and understand what is exactly wrong.
  4. Write pertinent details down on the guest request tracking sheet.
  5. Apologize for the inconvenience caused.
  6. Rectify the situation if you can.  These are some instances where common sense will prevail and so as long as you are aware of the standard procedure of rectifying complaints.
  7. Inform the Manager of all complaints immediately, even if you have successfully resolved the situation.
  8. Note down the incidence on the log book and give handover to the next shift the issue is still not resolved.
  9. Complaint has to be handled positively and with empathy for the guest, aspiring for 100% guest satisfaction as the outcome.
  10. If the problem is out of your authority, inform the manager or Duty Manager.
  11. Guest should be kept informed of the developments.
  12. Record all the details in Guest Call Register.

Training Summary questions:

1. What all details to be noted down while taking a guest request?

2. Why it is important to repeat the message / request with the guest?

3. Why it is required to follow up with the task owner?

4. What are the tips for handling guest complaints?

5. Whom to be reported in case the problem is out of your authority?


SOP Hotel HK Prepare Guest Room For Cleaning

SOP HK Prepare Guest Room For Cleaning

Department: Housekeeping – General
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 25 Minutes

Remove room service equipments from room:
  1. Pickup all room service equipment and move it to the floor pantry.
  2. Move the room service cart / trolley to the floor pantry.
  3. Inform the room service / IRD department to clear the trays / trolley from guest room / floor pantry.
  4. Never place the room service trays or trolleys on the guest corridor or the service elevator.

Removing rubbish:
  1. Collect recyclable items such as (Newspapers / Aluminum cans, glass bottles, News paper bags etc.) and place them either in the bag or on the floor pantry.
  2. Empty the waste paper basket and ashtray on to the garbage bag.
  3. Pick up all the rubbish and put it in the rubbish bag.      
  4. All rubbish removed from room upon entering that room, and placed in rubbish bag on trolley.
  5. Extra care should be taken with broken glass, razor etc.
  6. Remove all disposal items like ash, cigarette buds etc. into the dustbin.
  7. Keep ashtrays and glassware under washbasin tap to wash.
  8. With lukewarm water and teepol, clean the ashtrays and glassware with the help of sponge.
  9. Wash liberally with water.
  10. Wipe with a lint free cloth.
  11. After drying, place back the items in the appropriate place.     
  12. Ashtrays and glassware are spotless and clean.
  13. Use a dry tissue to collect hair from the vanity, toilet, bath tub and floor.
  14. Do not throw away any guest property that may be wrapped in a tissue.
  15. Cleaning of ashtrays and glassware.
  16. Collect all ashtrays and glassware.

Emptying dirty linen:
  1. Remove any guest clothing from the bed and neatly lay it across the back of the chair.
  2. If there is any personal items on the bed then remove them and place it neatly on the table.
  3. If it’s a departure dirty room then if you find any guest items and record the same as lost and found item.
  4. Remove all dirty linen from the room and put everything in the space provided for storing soiled linen in the R/A trolley.
  5. When the dirty linen is at level with the top of the trolley, empty the linen and collect in the pantry.
  6. All the dirty linen removed from room and put in linen bag in the trolley.
  7. Do not use guest linen and towels for cleaning the guest rooms.

Training Summary questions:

1. What is the step for removing room service equipments?

2. How to clean the ashtrays and glass wares?       

3. What to be done if you find any guest items in the bed, floor?

4. Important points while removing rubbish from the guest room?

5. Why one should not place the room service tray or trolley on the guest corridor


SOP Hotel HK Packing For Out Of Order rooms

SOP Housekeeping Packing For Out Of Order Rooms

Department: Housekeeping – Guest Rooms
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 20 Minutes

In some cases a guest room has to be taken out from inventory due to various maintenance works.
Below are few reasons when the room is taken under Out of Order ( OOO ):
  • A/C leakage
  • Bathroom leak
  • Ceiling leak
  • Carpet replace
  • Window Glass broken
  • Repainting
  • False ceiling repair
  • Room Ceiling Fungus appearing
  • Blockage / Leakage in bathroom etc.
  • The housekeeping department is responsible to pack the guest for the maintenance team to start their work.
  • Packing help to protect and prevent other areas in the rooms from damage due to dust, moisture, paint etc.
  • Depending upon each kind of maintenance activity the room boy should pack the room.

      Below items are packed in most of the cases:
  1. All the furniture
  2. Guest supplies
  3. Accessories
  4. I pad-dock
  5. TV
  6. Home Theatre / surround systems.
  7. In Room Lightning and Temperature control systems.
  8. Drapery
  9. Linen
  10. All fittings & fixtures and heavy items like bed to be covered.
  11. Carpet to be either rolled or covered with plastic or discard sheets.
  12. W/C seat to be covered and tied with polythene.
  13. Heavy items
  14. Fixtures.
  15. All artwork, lamps.
  16. Fittings have to be covered and kept aside.
  17. Entire carpet has to be covered wall to wall.
  18. Strip bed of all linen.
  19. Mattress protector, curtain swag, bed valence & bedcover to be sent for dry-cleaning.
  20. Pillows, shower curtain and small items to be packed, numbered and kept in store.
  21. All supplies & stationery to be packed numbered and stored.
  22. Small furniture to be numbered and kept in the store.

Training Summary questions:

1. Who is responsible for packing guest room for maintenance work?

2. Give few examples for taking rooms under OOO status?

3. How to protect the room carpet during maintenance work?


SOP Hotel HK Making Bed

SOP Hotel Housekeeping Making Bed

Department: Housekeeping – Guest Room
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

Preparing for Bed Making

1. Remove soiled bed linen from the bed.

2. Look at the mattress pad / mattress protector to see if it is stained, torn or damaged. If it is not straighten it and make sure the mattress and box spring are even.

3. Always adjust the mattress with your leg and not with your back to avoid any injuries.

4. If the mattress pad is stained then remove it.

Get a clean mattress pad and place it on the mattress:

1. Lay the fresh pad on the bed.

2. Unfold the pad right-side up and spread it evenly over the center of the bed.

3. Smooth out any wrinkles.

4. Mattress pads / mattress protector comes in different size, be sure to use the correct size.

5. Make sure you have the correct size sheets.

6. Do not use a stained or torn sheet. Place them immediately in your solid linen bag.

7. Take three fresh sheets and 04 pillow cover / slips as per the bed size.

Making the bed:

1. Pull the bed a little away from the headboard.

2. Spread the 1st bed sheet and tuck the bottom side of the bed except for the four corners.

3. Take the loose end of the sheet, about a foot from the corner at the head of the bed and pull it straight out, foaming a flap. Pull up the flap so it is flat.

4. Tuck in the free part of the corner.

5. Pull the flap out toward you and down over the side of the bed. Tuck the flap in.

6. Move to the corner at the foot of the bed on the same side of the bed and repeat the procedure.

7. Spread the second sheet the wrong side up, from the edge of mattress.

8. Put Quilt 6” lower than the 2nd sheet.

9, Spread the third sheet over the quilt.

10. Fold the second sheet above the quilt and the third sheet and make a fold approximately 6” to 8”.

11. Tightly tuck the sheets under the mattress.

12. Go towards the foot of the bed and tightly tuck the second sheet, quilt and third sheet together.

13. Maitre the corners.

14. Inset the pillows into the new pillowcase and tuck in the loose ends.

15. Repeat this process for the other pillows.

16. Place the pillow on the bed with the tucked edges facing the center and the tucked flaps on the other side of the pillows.

17. Position the bedspread on the bed with equal amounts hanging over both sides and the foot of the       bed.

18. Report to the supervisor if you notice stains or tears in the bedspread.

19. Smooth the bedspread over the pillows to the head of the bed.

20. Tuck the remaining of the bedspread under the front edge of the pillows.

21. Smooth the surface of the bed.

22. Check the bedspread for evenness on both sides.

23. Push back bed towards the side of headboard in the exact position.

24. All the four corners of the bed is mitered properly. Bed linen is stain free and properly pressed. Bed has to be firm.

25. Distance of the pillow from Headboard to the fold of the bed is approximately 20”.

 Training Summary questions:

1. What all to be looked for while removing the bed linen?

2. Why should the mattress be adjusted with the leg?      

3. What to be done if you find a torn of soiled bed spread / bed cover?

4. What should be the distance of the pillow from headboard to the bed fold?

5. How to position the bed spread / bed cover on the bed?


SOP Hotel Laundry Load And Unload Washers

SOP Laundry Load And Unload Washers

Department: Housekeeping – Laundry
Date Issued: 
Time to Train: 30 Minutes

Prepare loads of laundry:
  1. The weight of each laundry can change as per the property and linen quality.
  2. Use a weighing scale to weight the solid linen batch.
  3. Always load the washer with the correct capacity, Do not overload or under load the machines.

Organize the laundry activity:
  1. Always follow the laundry production log to determine the order in which the washing has to be done.
  2. Record the loads you wash on the log.
  3. Wash heavily soiled linen first so that the stains will not ruin the other items.
  4. If you have multiple washers then start each washer in at least of a time difference of 5 to 10 minutes which will help in the below process.
  5. Smooth and consistent work flow.
  6. Save water.
  7. Save electricity and electrical overloads.
  8. Prevents flooding and clogged drains due to washer’s draining at the same time.
  9. Always schedule the laundry loads to meet up with the next stage in the laundry cycle.
  10. Note: Laundry cycle flow chart
  11. Keep the correct amount of flat work, such as tablecloths and sheets washed to allow continues operation of the calendar machines.

Special thinks to notice while washing:
  1. Wash new linens with color separately the first few times, There is a chance of dyeing other fabrics if this is not done.
  2. To avoid fading of dark colored linens wash them in lower temperature.
  3. Wash uniforms in cold water to prevent fading of darker colors onto lighter colors.
  4. Do not use chlorine / bleach on colored linens / clothes.
  5. If the clothes / uniforms has delicate embroideries, decorative buttons, strings etc. then wash them inside nylon mesh bags to prevent damage and also to avoid tangling.
  6. Never overload or under load the washers.

Training Summary questions:

1. Explain how to prepare loads for laundry?

2. Why should we record the loads which is washed?        

3. What is the advantages of having a time difference between multiple loads?

4. Why it is important to record all items on the lost and found register?

5. Chlorine / bleach to be avoided on what kind of linens ?
